In Microsoft Office AutoCorrect will correct commonly misspelled words and we can add words to AutoCorrect.
Combine multiple text files together in excel
Use Google Scholar to get citations and sort them alphabetically in Microsoft Word.
Use Form Controls and VLOOKUP formula to make a dynamic chart in excel.
Keyboard shortcuts you can use while watching videos on YouTube
Converting a continuous count of days into excel formatted dates.
Convert wind directions in degrees into wind categories e.g. North, South, East and West using the CHOOSE and ROUND functions in excel.
There are some gaps in the wind direction data so the tables don’t line up. In order to line up the wind directions with the ozone concentrations an INDEX MATCH formula is used.
Use average hourly ozone concentrations to find out during which hour of the day the ozone concentrations are highest and during which hour of the day the ozone concentrations are lowest using an INDEX MATCH formula.